Sunday again and I’m more than happy to be sat here with my laptop writing about the things that are going on. The dogs are currently playing and sounding like a couple of lions at the moment tugging over one of their toys. It always makes me laugh; they can have a toy each but either wants what the other has. Crazy but entertaining.

As I’ve said before and will continue to reflect upon, writing is such a release for me because it acts as a kind of tap; enabling me to clear what is going through my mind. The problem is that I have so many ideas flying round my head that this flow can become blocked and the effect is deminished. However, it is important that I keep trying because trying to clear my mind will help in so many different ways; it may even help to resolve part of my inability to sleep. Talking of this, it has been a frustrating week for sleep as I’ve averaged about 4 hours a night; not great on a working week and not helpful when my job is so information intensive and demanding on a continual sense of audible multi tasking (listening to so many things at once).

Anyway, I always think there is hope and a way of improving that; even though I’ve had sleep problems for years. This is just a personal reflection and certainly open to opinion, but I enjoy being able to create things. I guess this is why my mind is always swimming with ideas and thoughts of what to do and how to do it. Being involved in radio has really enabled me to find an outlet for creating things; building and evolving radio content. For years, I have been looking for ways of doing this and I’m so happy to have found an outlet. In the past, I have had the opportunity to write and create plays, had been involved in performing myself and all of this really gave me the opportunity to be creative; to use the ideas in my head to do something that gave me the greatest joy. It’s never been based on a sense of ego or self promotion, but purely and simply an outlet to use the ideas that I have for some good.

In terms of radio, I am finding an outlet to do this. I love music, I like to listen to things that give me joy and in combining this, I’m having a lot of fun.

Writing is also enabling me to do this as well and writing and compiling blogs is something that I would love to do more of if the time allowed. This is the same for radio as well; there are so many ideas in my head but not really the time to fully develop and carry them out.
It is important though to clear your mind because it just helps so much in terms of health and welbeing. I have tried various natural medications for sleeplessness; some of which I cannot now take because they give me bad headaches. I have, however, always had the thought that clearing and managing my mind is always the key to improving my sleep and in turn my wellbeing. Maybe there is a message here; in time I may well discover it but then again do I know that already?

About Ian Beverley

I live in West Yorkshire UK and I like to share some of the things that have and are happening in my life.
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