Another week, another dollar? That should be another day another dollar but this week has felt like just one day in the way time has flown by. To say it has been an eventful one would really be the understatement of the year, but to coin another phrase ‘every day is a schoolday’ and very true I’ve certainly learned a lot more about my resilience this week.

Poor Mr. Viking feel foul of a stomach upset at the end of last weekend. Now like humans, the timing of these things can never be planned and thank goodness we dont know what’s around the corner with things like this. However, being sick last thing Sunday Evening into Monday morning did not bode well for a very productive day ahead. We both stayed up until the middle of the night as I wanted to ensure that he was okay and that he would at least stop being sick. This thankfully did happen and thanks to my inconsistent sleep pattern, I was able to get through the ensuing work day – just. He is much better now, but again thanks to a divertion whilst out free running, I am quite nervously monitring him as I fear he’s eaten something else and a repeat performance of last week’s anticks cannot be ruled out.

Talking of being out and about, I do quite often observe that some people are amazed that we have control of our dogs at all. In fact, I’ve had some people (thankfully only a small minority) say to me ‘does your dog get you organised in the morning’. It’s an interesting thought, but if the organising of my life was left up to Mr. Viking, it would be off in all kinds of directions including copious amounts of dog food and mischief. Well, some would argue that the latter is the case anyway. I could go on about public expectations but I think I need a fairly relaxing sunday and I don’t want to get too excited.

Christmas time is on the way and we’re all farily excited here. I love this time of year and even though the circumstances are much different in the world, it’s still very important to make the best of what we have and festivities certainly should not be abandoned. We’re lucky or unlucky (depends on your perspective) because nothing is really going to change for us. There are always just two of us at home for Christmas, so the debate on meeting with others is not there. This isn’t saying that we’d love to meet with other people because we would and it would be great to do this again soon. However, let’s hope 2021 does bring more opportunities to meet up with friends and family.

This time has also managed to change my perspective on how I’d like to celebrate my 50th birthday. With the changes to the regulations around the flu vaccine and of course the coming of the COVID one, who would have thought wanting to have been 50 to be such a desirable place to be. My ideas of celebrating were always to do this quietly and just with a few people. Well, I’ve certainly learned, along with many others, that this year has shown that we cannot take anything for granted and that valuing every moment is hugely important. Therefore, maybe if circumstances allow, a more lively celebration of being 50 in 2022 should be looked at rather than being my usual shy self. Yes this is a hint.

Right, on with the rest of the weekend. There are many other things I could have reflected on which would have included a rant or two about computer systems and reliability, but I need a relaxing Sunday not one that leads me to getting wound up again.

Take care and catch you next week – Ian.

About Ian Beverley

I live in West Yorkshire UK and I like to share some of the things that have and are happening in my life.
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